Imagine you’re having a lovely day crafting and exploring in Minecraft, everything is going the right way and suddenly you come across a hostile mob who does not even think twice before mauling you to oblivion.
Well, we don’t know about anyone else but, we at BenettonPlay, certainly wouldn’t want anything that dramatic and immersion-breaking thing to happen to any of you Minecraft players, so to fix your hostile mob issue, today we will be providing you guys with a comprehensive list of all the Hostile Mobs present in Minecraft so that you’ll be well-prepared for the next time you cross paths with a hostile mob when venturing through the game’s sprawling world.
Hostile Mobs are not only downright dangerous, they are also relatively tougher to kill but that largely depends on the difficulty you’re playing at. Knowing which mob is hostile towards you and which isn’t will be useful information and will help players be on their guard whenever they are in the vicinity of a hostile mob.
So now that we know what hostile mobs are in Minecraft and what they are capable of, without any more delays, let us now jump straight onto our list of all the hostile mobs currently in the game that players can engage with:
Minecraft Hostile Mobs Content List
1. Blaze

Blaze is a hostile mob that is the only source of blaze rods and players can find it in nether fortress. These creatures are immune to lava, fire, and fall damage as well which makes them extremely dangerous to face and take down.
These hostile mobs can attack you by firing a range of trio fireballs if you get close to them so make sure to not get close to these creatures unless you’re eager to get involved in an intense battle.
2. Zombies

Next up are zombies and these Minecraft hostile mobs attack players in groups. They spawn during nighttime in the overworld and can also spawn in some underground low-light areas in groups of four.
Killing zombies isn’t a hassle in general but players must be mindful of the fact that they can easily overpower them, especially when a larger swarm gets after them.
When a zombie spawn egg is used on a zombie it turns it into a baby zombie. This is the best time to take them out as this is when they are at their weakest.
3. Zombie Villagers

Zombie Villagers are villagers that turn into zombies after being killed by a Zombie. They’re a common variant of zombies and players need to be careful around them.
Players can even find them spawning near the regular zombies in the overworld. Since we all know that Villagers are the smartest mobs in Minecraft and the best part is that players can even cure the Zombie Villagers and turn them back to normal.
4. Chicken Jockey

Chicken Jockey has to be one of the most annoying mobs in Minecraft, it is simply a zombie, zombie villager, zombified piglin, baby husk, or baby drowned riding a chicken.
In Minecraft Bedrock Edition, these creatures can also ride other mobs such as spiders and these chicken jockeys will attack you on sight except for the zombified Piglins chicken jockey.
5. Drowned

What if I tell you that zombies in Minecraft can also be found underwater, yes these Minecraft underwater zombies are known as Drowned, and they mainly attack the players through melee attacks.
Drowned can survive on both land and water which makes them extremely dangerous and worth avoiding if possible. Another aspect that makes the drowned a formidable enemy is their ability to spawn with tridents, thereby adding more potency to their attacks.
6. Husk

One thing that you guys must’ve guessed by now is that there are numerous variants of zombies in Minecraft and Husk is one of them and it spawns in the desert biomes.
Husks usually spawn during nighttime in desert biome and there’s a 5% chance of husk spawning as babies and these babies have a chance of spawning as a chicken jockey.
7. Guardian

Next up are guardians and they are aquatic pufferfish-like hostile mobs that can mostly be found near ocean monuments. These creatures are usually hostile towards players, dolphins, squids, glow squids, and axolotls.
In the Java edition, the guardians spawn less in open sky oceans and more in covered areas such as inside or underneath the monument. Guardians can survive outside water too however, they keep floating on land in search of water.
8. Creeper

Creeper has to be one of the most dangerous hostile mobs in Minecraft as they’ll silently approach you and explode once they’re close enough and the best way to stop this from happening is to kill them before they can explode or have a tamed cat pet around you to scare them off.
When a Creeper is struck by lightning it becomes a “Charged Creeper” and this variant of creeper is even more dangerous than the regular one as its explosion causes more damage to the players.
9. Endermite

Next up on our list are the smallest Minecraft hostile mobs known as Endermites. These little mobs have a chance of spawning whenever the player throws an ender pearl and these creatures also attack Endermen in the Bedrock edition of the game.
Endermite attacks the players by biting them and these creatures despawn within two minutes regardless of the player’s distance.
10. Elder Guardian

The Elder Guardian is a larger and stronger variant of the regular Guardian. These creatures are also found near ocean monuments and they even attack in the same manner as the regular guardian however they also apply a rare debuff to the players called Mining Fatigue.
Elder Guardians do not swim as much as regular guardians; but like regular guardians, Elder Guardians attack players and squids. Escaping and avoiding them is relatively easier but be prepared for a challenging fight if discovered.
11. Skeleton

Minecraft Skeleton is made entirely of bones and these hostile creatures always spawn with a bow in the light of level zero. Skeletons in Minecraft mostly spawn in small groups of two to four units.
80% of the Skeletons in the game spawn directly under the sky in different biomes such as snowy plains, ice spikes, frozen oceans, deep frozen oceans, and legacy frozen oceans. Unlike players, skeletons have access to unlimited arrows but can’t survive in sunlight.
12. Wither Skeleton

Wither Skeletons are taller, darker variants of the regular Skeletons. Moreover, the Wither Skeletons are not equipped with bows like the regular ones, instead, they come equipped with a stone sword.
These hostile Minecraft mobs spawn exclusively in the nether fortress at a light level between 0 to 7. Wither Skeletons are the only Minecraft mobs that spawn inside Wither Roses.
13. Skeleton Horseman

This next hostile Minecraft mob is known as Skeleton Horseman and was introduced to players with the Combat Update. Skeleton Horseman consists of a skeleton riding a horse. Yes, we know it seems funny but this hostile mob packs a decent punch and is not to be trifled with.
If this mob is hostile toward the players, all they need to do is focus on taking down the rider only. Players need not worry about the horse after the rider dies at all as it is inherently passive and will not attack the players anymore. Apart from becoming docile, once the rider is gone, the horse can be tamed and utilized like a normal horse.
14. Spider Jockey

Spider Jockey is simply a skeleton riding a spider and it is similar to the chicken Jockey, this hostile mob is pretty rare and spawns in both the Nether Biome as well as the Overworld.
The Spider Jockey has a few unique variants where either a Stray or a Wither Skeleton is riding the spider and sometimes a cave Spider but these rare variants are only limited to the Bedrock edition of Minecraft. This mob is quite dangerous and the combined strength of the spider and the Skelton can do a reasonable amount of damage to the players, so the best solution for players in general is to avoid them as much as possible.
15. Stray

Another variant of Skeletons is Strays. These mobs usually spawn in frozen, icy, and snowy biomes, and replace 80% of the regular skeletons spawns in these biomes.
A regular Skeleton can also turn into a stray if kept inside powder snow for seven seconds. Overall these snowy variants of these mobs have more-or-less the same characteristics as regular Skeletons except for their high endurance towards colder environments.
16. Pillager

You’ll be able to find Pillagers in wandering patrols around outposts equipped with crossbows and they’ll attack you by firing arrows so be careful when you’re around these creatures.
Pillagers belong to the family of illager mobs and they are the weakest among all the mobs available in the Java edition. Players looking to start their very own Pillager spawning village can spawn pillagers using a spawn egg.
17. Vindicator

These mobs are pretty powerful and like Pillagers they also belong to the Illager family where they’re considered as the second most powerful non-boss hostile mobs.
You can find these creatures at the woodland mansions equipped with an iron axe but be careful as they sprint towards their target to eliminate them. Vindicators usually spawn in groups of 2-3 and can be quite a challenge, even for more experienced Minecraft players.
18. Evoker

Next up are Evokers. They are the only source of the Totem of the Undying, also they’re the spell-casting member of the Illager family.
These hostile Minecraft creatures can also be found in woodland mansions and during village raids. I would advise you to not underestimate them as they can summon deadly fangs and vexes which they can use to harm and defeat you.
19. Vex

Vex is a tiny flying hostile mob in Minecraft and it is also considered as one of the smallest mobs in the whole game. This little creature spawns when an Evoker summons Vex to attack players and it is best to avoid this little hostile mob as regardless of its tiny size, it can deal a good amount of damage to the players.
These creatures attack the players by lunging at their targets with their swords. As we mentioned earlier, it’s best to avoid them altogether because they despawn in a couple of seconds anyway.
20. Ravager

Next, we have Ravager. These are large cattle-like, hostile mobs that spawn without a rider, however, you can occasionally find Illagers riding them in some instances.
These mobs are hostile towards players but not only them, they are also hostile towards wandering traders, adult villagers, and iron golems as well. Ravagers attack by running towards their target and biting them, dealing massive amounts of damage. Players will only face this mob when it spawns at wave level 3 of village raids.
21. Witch

Witch is another hostile mob that uses potions during combat for both attack and defense. This mob spawns in swamp huts and dark areas or created if lightning accidentally strikes a villager.
Regular witches by default are hostile toward the players, however, the witches that spawn during raids are only hostile toward the villagers, iron Golems, and wandering traders. Are you looking to take one out? If yes then do not give the Witch an inch to breathe and relax when attacking them as Witches can easily heal themselves by drinking a positive potion.
22. Ghast

Numerous players also like to call this mob ‘ghosts’. Ghasts are nether-exclusive large hostile mobs with a ghost-like appearance.
These creatures will shoot fireballs at players from a distance if they encounter them but the best part is that players can deflect and send their powerful fireballs back at them with the help of melee attacks. Once a ghast dies it drops gunpowder or ghast tears which players can collect for themselves and use to craft various craftables.
23. Slime

Slimes are hostile mobs that are bouncy and cube-shaped in design and spawn deep underground in chunks. Although they appear harmless on the surface, these creatures can be quite annoying and tricky to counter as they jump onto their targets to attack them.
Even though they’re slow in general, their attacks, however, are relatively quick in comparison, ideal for catching players off-guard, so it’s better to stay away from them if possible.
24. Magma Cube

Magma Cube are a nether counterparts of slimes. These hostile mobs have similar cube-shaped bodies like slimes but these mobs can jump much higher and deal more damage to the players around them as compared to regular slimes.
25. Hoglin

In both editions of Minecraft, Hoglins are the only breedable hostile mobs. Payers also consider them as a nether version of the overworld pigs. Looking for one? Players can easily find these creatures in the crimson forest without any hassle.
Hoglins are mostly hostile towards players however, if you attack one hoglin then the whole group will come after you. To breed them, players must feed them crimson fungi which can be found in the nether biome.
26. Zoglin

The zombie variants of Hoglins are known as Zoglins and these creatures are hostile towards every single mob except for creepers.
Like other zombie mobs, Zoglins also drop rotten flesh when they die and they’re also immune to fire and lava.
27. Phantoms

Next up are Phantoms and these are undead flying mobs that spawn if players don’t sleep or die for more than three days and if you kill one, there’s a possibility it is going to drop a phantom membrane.
However, if players don’t sleep the same night after killing a phantom, then another phantom will spawn. These creatures aren’t able to survive under bright sunlight, so if you ever get into a skirmish with one, keep this little weakness of theirs handy.
28. Shulkers

Shulkers are found in the end cities and if you come across one, it will attack you by shooting homing bullets, these bullets will follow you.
These hostile mobs do not despawn naturally and eliminating these creatures is not as easy as other mobs in the game as they keep on teleporting to avoid getting hit. Once players manage to kill it, the Shulker might drop rare Shulker Shells which they can collect for themselves for future recipes and crafting needs.
29. Silverfish

Silverfish are small hostile mobs that spawn in the stronghold. They infest stone and deep slate blocks in mountains and other biomes as well.
Silverfish crawl at their targets to bite them and they’re hostile by default towards players, as well as iron Golems, and Snow Golems. As far as killing them is concerned, these creatures are relatively easy to kill and they do not drop anything valuable other than experience orbs.
30. Piglin Brute

If you’re a true Minecraft fan then you must be aware that Piglins fall under the category of Neutral mobs and Piglin Brute on the other hand is a hostile variant of the regular Piglins.
Piglin Brutes spawn with a golden axe that may or may not have enchantments attached to it. Apart from the players, Piglin brutes are the only other hostile mobs present in the game that also attack Wither and Wither Skeletons.
31. Warden

The final hostile mob on our list is Warden and it is the strongest hostile mob in Minecraft and also one of the toughest to defeat. This lethal mob deals a huge amount of melee damage to the players and it is also one of the first blind mobs in Minecraft that relies only on its sense of vibrations and smell to search for its target.
Wardens only spawn in ancient cities and this mob is hostile towards every other mob in the game. This creature can easily fit inside any space in the game that is 1 block wide and 3 blocks tall.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Hostile Mobs In Minecraft?
Hostile Mobs are the most dangerous mobs in Minecraft that attack players on sight, so it is best to stay away from them unless you’re looking for a challenge.
Who is the most annoying hostile mob in Minecraft?
Chicken Jockey is the most annoying mob in Minecraft as it does a lot of damage even after being small in size.
Are Hostile Mobs dangerous as compared to Passive Mobs?
Yes, most Hostile Mobs are, by default, more dangerous as compared to passive mobs as passive mobs are docile and friendly until provoked whereas hostile mobs present in the game are designed to fight the player from the get-go, proving to be more of a threat to the player’s existence than the passive mobs.
This was our complete list of every single hostile mob in Minecraft and we hope that you guys now can differentiate between hostile and other types of mobs in the game.
If you guys have any doubts regarding any of the above-mentioned mobs then feel free to post your comments down below and our team will surely get back to you as soon as possible.