Best Graphics Settings for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0: Step Up Your Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 Gameplay with These Recommended RTX Graphic Card Settings

As per our research Call of Duty Warzone is one of the most GPU-intensive AAA titles in today’s date. Gamers not only want their game to look pleasant visually but also want their game to run at a high frame rate. If you are having a low frame rate experience even after having an entry-level ... Read more

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Reported by Aditya Shah

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Best Graphics settings for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0
Best Graphics settings for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0

As per our research Call of Duty Warzone is one of the most GPU-intensive AAA titles in today’s date. Gamers not only want their game to look pleasant visually but also want their game to run at a high frame rate.

If you are having a low frame rate experience even after having an entry-level or mid-range graphics processing unit (GPU) then don’t worry we got you covered as today we will provide you with a list of the Best Graphics settings for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 for the RTX Graphic Cards.

So without any further ado let’s get started.

Best Graphics settings for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0
Best Graphics settings for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0

RTX 2060 / Super RTX 2070 / Super RTX 2080 RTX 2080ti

To begin with, let us first take a look at the graphics settings for RTX 20xx series cards:

SettingsRTX 2060/SuperRTX 2070/SuperRTX 2080RTX 2080ti
Dynamic ResolutionOFFOFFOFF/ONOFF/ON
Rendering Resolution100100100100
Anti-Aliasing QualityLowHighUltraUltra
Video Memory Scale90909090
Details & Textures
Texture ResolutionLowLowHighHigh
Texture Filtering AnisotropicLowNormalHighHigh
Nearby Level of DetailHighHighHighHigh
Distant Level of DetailsLowLowHighHigh
Clutter Draw DistanceShortShortLongLong
Particle QualityLowNormalHighHigh
Bullet impactOnOnOnOn
Shader QualityLowLowMediumMedium
Terrain MemoryMinMinHighHigh
On-demand Texture StreamingOffOffOnOn
Volumetric QualityLowMediumNormalNormal
Deferred Physics QualityLowLowHighHigh
Water CausticsDefaultDefaultOffOff
Shadow & Lighting
Shadow Map ResolutionVery LowLowHighHigh
Screen Space ShadowsOffOffNormalNormal
Spot Shadows QualityLowLowHighHigh
Spot CacheHighHighHighHigh
Particle LightingNormalHighHighHigh
Ambient OcclusionOffBothBothBoth
Screen Space ReflectionsNormalNormalHighHigh
Static Reflection QualityLowLowHighHigh
Weather Grid VolumeOffNormalHighHigh
Post-processing Effects
Nvidia Reflection Low LatencyOnOn+BoostOn+BoostOn+Boost
Depth of fieldOffOffOnOn
World Motion BlurOffOffOffOff
Weapon Motion BlurOffOffOffOff
Film Grain0.

These Graphic Settings will deliver you a high refresh rate gaming experience in COD Warzone 2.0 So don’t forget to apply these Graphic settings if you have any one of the Graphic Cards mentioned in the table displayed above.

Now let us move on to the next list where we will provide you with the best Best Graphics settings for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 for the best mid-tier RTX 30xx series cards.

So without any further ado let’s jump straight onto the list.

RTX 3050 / RTX 3060 / RTX 3060ti / RTX 3070/3070ti

Settings RTX 3050RTX 3060RTX 3060tiRTX 3070/3070ti
Dynamic ResolutionOffOffOffOff
Global Quality
Rendering Resolution100100100100
Anti-Aliasing QualityLowUltra QualityUltra QualityUltra Quality
Video Memory Scale90909090
Details & Texture
Texture ResolutionLowLowLowNormal
Texture Filtering AnisotropicMediumHighHighHigh
Nearby Level of DetailLowLowHighLow
Distant level of DetailsLowLowHighLow
Clutter Draw DistanceShortShortShortShort
Particle QualityLowMediumMediumLow
Bullet ImpactOnOnOnOn
Shader QualityMediumMediumMediumHigh
Terrain MemoryMinMaxMaxMax
On-Demand Texture StreamingOffOnOnOff
Volumetric QualityMediumMediumHighHigh
Deferred Physics QualityOffHighHighLow
Water CausticsOffOffOffOff
Shadow & Lighting
Shadow Map ResolutionHighHighHighHigh
Screen Space ShadowsLowLowLowOff
Spot Shadows QualityMediumHighHighLow
Spot CacheMediumMediumMediumUltra
Particle LightingHighHighHighNormal
Ambient OcclusionOffOffOffBoth
Screen Space ReflectionsNormalNormalNormalHigh
Static Reflection QualityHighHighHighLow
Water Grid VolumeNormalNormalNormalOff
Post-processing Effects
Nvidia Reflection Low LatencyOnOnOnOn
Depth of FieldOffOffOffOff
World Motion BlurOffOffOffOff
Weapon Motion BlurOff/OnOff/OnOff/OnOff/On
Film Grain0.

Also Read: You might find this article I wrote the other day about the 10 Best Cloud Gaming Providers you can try right now.

These were the Optimal Settings for Warzone 2.0 for a few of the RTX graphic cards. These settings should deliver you around 70-90 frames per second in COD Warzone 2.0.

There are still more GPUs left and we will list the best Graphics settings for them down below so let’s get started with the next list.

Let us take a look at the graphics settings for high-end RTX 30xx series cards:

RTX 3080 / RTX 3080ti / RTX 3090 / RTX 3090ti

Settings RTX 3080RTX 3080tiRTX 3090RTX 3090ti
Nvidia DLSSOnOnOn/OffOn/Off
Dynamic ResolutionOffOffOffOff
Global Quality
Rendering Resolution100100100100
Anti-Aliasing QualityHighHighHighHigh
Video Memory Scale90809090
Details & Texture
Texture ResolutionHighHighHighHigh
Texture Filtering AnisotropicNormalHighHighHigh
Nearby Level of DetailHighHighHighHigh
Distant Level of DetailHighHighHighHigh
Clutter Draw DistanceShortShortLongLong
Particle QualityLowHighHighHigh
Bullet ImpactOnOnOnOn
Shader QualityHighMediumMediumMedium
Terrain MemoryMaxMaxMaxMax
On-Demand Texture StreamingOnOffOnOn
Volumetric QualityMediumLowHighHigh
Deferred Physics QualityLowLowMediumMedium
Water CausticsOnOffOnOn
Shadow & Lighting
Shadow Map ResolutionNormalHighHighHigh
Screen Space ShadowsHighNormalHighNormal
Spot Shadows QualityMediumMediumMediumHigh
Spot CacheHighHighHighHigh
Particle LightingNormalNormalHighHigh
Ambient OcclusionBothBothBothBoth
Screen Space ReflectionsOffOffOffOff
Static Reflection QualityHighHighNormalNormal
Water Grid VolumeNormalNormalNormalHigh
Post-processing Effects
Nvidia Reflection Low LatencyOnOnOnOn
Dept of FieldOffOffOffOff
World Motion BlurOffOffOffOff
Weapon Motion BlurOffOffOffOff
Film Grain0.

This was it for the RTX 30 series now we will dive deep into the RTX 40xx series and will list down the Best Graphics settings for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 for the RTX 40xx series graphic cards so without any further delay let’s get started.

RTX 4070 / RTX 4070ti / RTX 4080 / RTX 4090

Settings RTX 4070RTX 4070tiRTX 4080RTX 4090
Nvidia DLSSOn/OffOn/OffOn/OffOn/Off
Dynamic ResolutionOffOffOffOff
Global Quality
Rendering Resolution100100100100
Anti-Aliasing QualityUltraUltraUltraUltra
Video Memory Scale90909090
Details & Texture
Texture ResolutionHighHighHighHigh
Texture Filtering AnisotropicHighHighMediumHigh
Nearby Level of DetailHighHighHighHigh
Distant Level of DetailHighHighHighHigh
Clutter Draw DistanceLongLongLongLong
Particle QualityMediumHighMediumHigh
Bullet ImpactOnOnOnOn
Shader QualityMediumMediumHighHigh
Terrain MemoryMaxMaxMaxMax
On-Demand Texture StreamingOnOnOnOn
Volumetric QualityHighHighHighHigh
Deferred Physics QualityHighHighHighHigh
Water CausticsOnOnOnOn
Shadow & Lighting
Shadow Map ResolutionUltraUltraUltraUltra
Screen Space ShadowsHighHighHighHigh
Spot Shadows QualityHighHighHighHigh
Spot CacheUltraUltraUltraUltra
Particle LightingUltraHighHighHigh
Ambient OcclusionBothBothBothBoth
Screen Space ReflectionsHighHighHighUltra
Static Reflection QualityHighHighHighHigh
Water Grid VolumeUltraUltraHighUltra
Post-processing Effects
Nvidia Reflection Low LatencyOnOnOnOn
Dept of FieldOffOffOffOff
World Motion BlurOffOffOffOff
Weapon Motion BlurOffOffOffOff
Film Grain0.

This was it for the Best Graphics settings for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 for the RTX 40xx series Graphic Cards. If you have any of the Graphic Cards that we have mentioned above then we recommend you use the graphic settings that we have provided you with for the best possible gaming experience.

If you want to play Competitively then you would always prefer FPS over the visuals, and in that case, we recommend you use the low graphic preset as it would deliver you the highest Frames possible from your GPU.

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We have provided you with a list of the Best Graphics settings for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 but you guys need to make sure that apart from having a decent GPU, you also have a good CPU as well to complement it. If you have a beefy CPU then the game’s performance might be much better than what it could normally deliver with a decent, low-end CPU.

To check if you have a good CPU that is capable of running the game, you need to check out the system requirements for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0.

We hope that the graphic settings we provided in this article will deliver a good constant frame rate for gamers all around. If you guys have any doubts regarding the settings then feel free to let your heart out in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

When was COD Warzone 2.0 released?

COD Warzone 2.0 was released on November 16, 2022, for different platforms like PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

What kind of game is Call of Duty

Call of Duty is a first-person shooter game where players can lay the campaign mode and enjoy the staggering storyline or even join and compete with their friends or random strangers online.

When was the first Call of Duty Game released?

The first Call of Duty game was released on September 14, 2004

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