Konosuba Fantastic Days is a mobile RPG game developed by Nexon based on the popular anime and light novel series Konosuba.
The game allows players to collect and build a team of characters from the Konosuba universe, and engage in various battles and quests.

In this article, we will present the Konosuba Fantastic Days Tier List, which ranks the characters in the game based on their overall strength and effectiveness in battle.
But before we dive into the Konosuba Tier List, it’s important to know that Konosuba Fantastic Days is a gacha game. And just like any other gacha game, the players obtain new characters and items through a random lottery system.
Table of Contents
KonoSuba Fantastic Days Tier List

There are a total of 19 main characters in the KonoSuba Fantastic game. However, these have been distributed into various battle units based on elemental core, skills, abilities, etc.
Different units in the game have different levels of effectiveness. The battle units in the KonoSuba Fantastic Days Tier List are divided into the following Tiers:
Tier S Units | These are the most agile and powerful characters in the KonoSuba Fantastic Days Tier List. Their potential is highest and unmatched in the game. Having even a single S tier Unit in your team increases your winning chances by a considerable rate. |
Tier A Units | The next most effective units in the KonoSuba Fantastic Days are the A-Tier Units. These units are the most practical and effective ones to take the enemy troops out in a blink of a second. |
Tier B Units | These consist of the least valuable units in the entire game. These are the weakest units that must be avoided during the matches. |
Tier C Units | Tier C characters are the most average units in the Konosuba Tier List. These must be avoided ideally but they may be your only chance in case you are not able to get more higher-ranked units. |
Tier D Units | These consist of the least valuable units in the entire game. These are basically the weakest units that must be avoided during the matches. |
S Tier List

S Tier units make the most valuable and overpowering effect on any battle party of Konosuba Fantastic Days. These units have the best blend of attack and defense abilities which makes them an ultimate fan favorite.
However, getting your hands on these 5-star units is not so easy. Even having a single S Tier Unit on your battle team can make all the difference in the world.
All S-Tier Units | Emilia (Spirit Arts User), Megumin (Matching Pose), Wiz (Tonight is Christmas), Melissa (Treasure Hunter) |
These ultimate war machines can easily handle whatever enemies throw their way. They have a powerful attack strategy that makes them adamant in every possible war situation. These are the best options to equip your team.
A Tier List Konosuba Fantastic Days

If your luck runs out and you are not able to obtain any S Tier units, there is no need to lose heart. Since A-Tier Characters are the ultimate replacement for them.
Well, we are not saying that they can surpass the attack or durability of the S Tier units but they are surely the next best option in the game.
We have mentioned the best A-Tier Characters according to the latest update of Konosuba Fantastic Days in the table given below.
All A-Tier Units | Rem (Battle Maid), Iris (Royal Holiday, Mischievous Princess), Chris (Maid to Loot, High Flying Thief, My Treasure), Megumin (Nice Explosion), Aqua (Sparkling Seas) |
It is the best battle tactic to pick a team of S-Tier & A-Tier Characters while playing Konosuba Fantastic Days. These units pair up and make a fitting team like a glove that no enemy troops can break through. We have included all the A-Tier Units for the latest game update of Konosuba Fantastic Days.
B Tier List

In this section, we have named all the B-Tier Units of the Konosuba Fantastic Days game. These units aren’t as powerful as A-Tier units but they do certainly give you decent odds against the initial level of enemies.
However, they do not have much efficiency against stronger enemies and may weigh you down if not replaced with superior-tier units.
All B-Tier Units | Erika (Fan Service, Casual, Dancing Adventurer), Yunyun (Megumin’s Friend, Friendly Halloween), Iris (Pizza Lover, First Casino Foray), Wiz (Water Blast), Cielo (Axel Hearts), Megumin (Sea Play), Rin (Certified Wizard), Arue (Best Bod), Mitsururugi (Dreamy Dealer) |
These units are the best to deploy during the initial stages of the game and work best paired with stronger units, preferably S Tier & A Tier to balance the team.
These may not be the best choice out there but do not underestimate their significance in the initial stages of Konosuba Fantastic Days. So, if you do not have any battle units from the Top 2 Tiers, Tier B is your only hope.
The best part about these units is that they are quite easier to obtain than the top 2 Tier. So, upon leveling these babies up to the maximum limit, you may create your dream team.
C Tier List

Next up we will be discussing the C-Tier List of Konsuba Fantastic Days. This Tier List consists of the most average and ordinary units of the game.
This doesn’t mean that these characters can be disregarded altogether. Despite having an average impact on the enemies, the character design or powers are not lacking in any regard.
Using them in your team will not be ideally your choice but these underdogs may still save your ass during some intense battles.
All C-Tier Units | Megumin (Let’s Get Clean, Magical Melodrama, Freezing Season), Aqua (Otherworldly Tour, Nature’s Beauty), Chris (Bunny Girl, Steal), Mitsurugi (The Chosen One), Darkness (Secret Present), Dust (Super Sledder, Delinquent Adventurer, Super Sledder), Kazuma (Don’t Mind Me, Winter Layers, Pumpkin Battle), Miso Soup (The Chosen One), Cielo (Dancing Adventurer, Moonlite Stage), Miller Light (Follower of the Goddess), Iris (First Princess of Goddess, Sneaking Out), Arue (Aspiring Author, Crimson Demon), Yunyun (Beachcomber, Seeking Friends), Rin (Single Lady, Sun Soaked), |
Despite presenting significantly lower winning agility, these units may come across as a lifesaver if smartly placed on your team.
One annoying shortcoming of these units is that they slow down the gameplay progression because of less impactful attacks.
So, the best way to use these babies is by making a combination team with characters of a higher cadre.
D Tier List

Lastly, coming to the D Tier Units of the Konosuba Tier List, we will be as straightforward as we can be. These are the weakest units in the entire game which should be avoided altogether if you want a decent rate of progression in the Konosuba game.
These characters will only spoil your gameplay experience and cause doom. However, sometimes it gets impossible to avoid them when you don’t have any better options in your inventory. In such a rash situation, it is best to level up these units to the maximum limit.
All D-Tier Units | Kazuma (A Ball for Two, Tough Times, Shut in no more), Melissa (Adult’s Onsen Trip), Cecily (Cottontail Cleric, Big Sister), Aqua (Winter Layers, Order of Axis, Pumpkin Cuisine), Melissa (Seductress, Elegance), Darkness (All Member Cards), Wiz (Sweet Dreams, Ice Witch), Megumin (Pajama Party), Rin (Winter Wonderland), Lia (Summer Match, Dancing Adventurer, Rising Idol), Mia (Yummy Quest, Endless Eater, Mischievous Beastman), Amy (Motherly Protector, Soother of Spirits) |
If you are obligated to use D Tier Konosuba Tier List Units then it is best to use a combination of these units with superior Tier units. This is necessary to ensure a smooth gameplay progression.
And if, for any reason, you do not have any other Tier units, you should evolve these units to the maximum limit. But we still recommend rerolling until you have found a stronger battle team.
You have reached the end of this article on the Konosuba Fantastic Days Tier List. We truly hope that our curated list will be able to improve your gameplay experience. But we also want you not to rely too much on the Tier List and enjoy experimenting to build your ideal team.
In the end, it’s all about having fun right? If you wish to share your feedback with us, do not hesitate to write it down and drop it in our comments section. Here at Benettonplay.com, we are constantly striving to improve your gameplay experience and improving the quality of our content. Thank you for scrolling till the end.