Rejoice PlayStation 5 gamers, as another PS5 exclusive game is coming to your powerful consoles next year. Rise of the Ronin will provide an exquisite open-world, action video game experience.
The developers believe this game will be one of the Best PS5 games of all time, and we hope that turns out to be confirmed once the game releases.
Players will be able to get their hands on this game in the upcoming year, and today, we will discuss everything we know regarding Rise of the Ronin, such as the release date, platforms, news, rumors, and more. So, without wasting any moment, let’s get started.
Rise of the Ronin Release Date
What Is The Release Date of Rise of The Ronin

There is no exact release date for Rise of the Ronin, and as of now, all we know is that the game is all set to release in 2024 and will be a PS5 exclusive title.
However, The Snitch’s discord server indicates that the game will be released in January of 2024, and January is only two months away, so we’ll actively track any new updates regarding the release date of the game so all you need to do is chill out and stay tuned to our page.
We’re not here to only discuss the Release Date; we have more information regarding this game, so let us discuss it below.
The Storyline of Rise of The Ronin

This upcoming game will put you in the shoes of a titular Ronin in 19th-century Japan (the period is also called Bakumatsu) as it faces its most challenging time. The country is filled with oppressive rulers, Western influence, and lethal diseases, and because of all this, a civil war is about to start.
Your character will be bound to no master and seek to make his own choices as he travels through the open-world environment the game will provide.
On his arduous yet adventurous journey, the protagonist will meet loads of characters with motivation and a sense of justice, which your character can support if he wants.
The developers (Team Ninja) have also stated that the game’s storyline will be dark and gritty, and players can freely make choices as their character won’t be found by any master.
That is it for the storyline of this upcoming game; we’ll update this article as soon as we get our hands on some trusted and valuable information.
Rise of The Ronin News

There have been several news questions regarding the Rise of The Ronin spreading across the internet like fire, and we can’t help but share them with you guys. Now let us discuss some of the popular Rise of The Ronin News news.
Gameplay In Rise of The Ronin
There isn’t much information regarding the Rise of The Ronin Gameplay, but it appears that the gameplay will be similar to that in the last Ronin game developed by Team Ninja. The gameplay will be focused more on intense close-range sword fights.
Rise of The Ronin will feature many weapons, such as a Katana sword, for players to engage in lethal combat with their enemies.
Horses will also be featured in the game, which players can use to travel long distances in a short period while enjoying the exquisite open-world scenery.
We will share 5 minutes of exclusive gameplay of Rise of the Ronin with you below so you can have a better idea about the gameplay in this upcoming game by Team Ninja.
Which Platforms Are Going To Support the Rise of The Ronin?

As stated above, Rise of The Roninwillo is a PS5 exclusive gam,e so this game will only be released for the PlayStation 5.
However, there are chances that this game will be ported to different platforms such as Xbox or PC in the future. Many PlayStation-exclusive titles, such as God of War and Marvel’s Spider-Man, were later ported to other platforms.
If you are a PlayStation 5 gamer, you can sigh relief as you’ll enjoy this game at a high refresh rate on your console without any lags or stutters because PS5 is perfectly capable of running this game. Now, we will answer some FAQs down below for you guys.
Frequently Asked Questions
When Will Rise of The Ronin Be Released Worldwide?
There’s no exact release date for Rise of The Ronin; however, as per the research done by our team, this game will be released at the beginning of the upcoming year, which is 2024.
Will Rise of The Ronin Be Released On PC?
Unfortunately, Rise of The Ronin won’t be released for PC or even Xbox consoles as it will be a PlayStation 5 exclusive title. Still, there’s a possibility that this game will be released for PC a year after the release of the game.
Is Rise of The Ronin Going To Be Better Than Ghost of Tsushima?
Well, it is hard to speculate this as this game isn’t out yet, and once the game is released, we’ll be able to compare both games easily.
This was everything we knew regarding Rise of The Ronin, and we hope you guys have all your answers by now.
If you still have any doubts regarding the above information, please let us know in the comments below, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.