Minecraft is one of those video games that is filled with tons of secrets and some of the dedicated players worldwide have already discovered a bunch of them by playing and searching corners of the Minecraft World for endless hours. Well surely hats off to them for their dedication.
If you’re a true Minecraft fan then you have landed at the best page, as today, we’ll be uncovering some of the greatest secrets in Minecraft that only 1% of the players are aware of!
We can assure you that after reading this article to the end, you’ll have lots of things to do and explore in your Minecraft World so without wasting any more time, let’s get straight on to the secrets.
15 Minecraft Secrets
1. End Portal Frames In Survival Mode.

Yeah, I know it might sound weird as End Portal Frames are impossible to get in survival mode however, there’s always a way to do the impossible.
You can get End Portal Frames in survival mode and all you need to do is place a TNT block underneath the End Portal Frames in version 1.9 and it will allow you to obtain the End Portal Frames.
Then you can get them into your survival world if you stash them in the nether. Every Minecraft player should try this trick out as End Portal Frames can be pretty useful. Alright moving on to number 2.
2. Minecraft Seasonal Events!

Yeah you read that right, there are seasonal events in Minecraft for both Halloween and Christmas and if you do pay attention you’ll notice a few changes in the mobs as well.
For example, many different Minecraft mobs will wear Carved pumpkins and Jacko lanterns on their heads during the Halloween event.
That’s not it, as from 24th – 25th December your chests will look like Christmas presents and I think this is one of the best additions in the game during events as it makes the game feel more alive and fun to play with friends.
3. Rarest Minecraft Armor Trim – Silence Trim

Have you ever wondered which is the rarest armor trim in Minecraft? Well, I don’t know about you but many Minecraft players have surely thought about it. So, without keeping you in the dark for much longer, the rarest Minecraft Armor Trim is none other than the Silence Trim.
The reason this resource is considered rare is because it can only be found in ancient cities and these trims have a very little chance of spawning (1.2%) as loot in one of the chests.
However, make sure that you’re well armed when looking for these armor trims as you’ll get chased by a Warden, but considering how rare this armor trim is, it is worth searching for. Silence Trim is surely one of the rarest Minecraft items every player should search for.
4. Baby Piglins Stay Young Forever.

Baby Piglins in Minecraft never grow up to be an adult and they stay young forever. Yes, that is true, they do stay young forever unlike baby villagers who grow up to an adult in 20 minutes. If you’re someone who knew about this secret then congratulations as you’re one of the very few people who already knew this Minecraft secret.
5. Horses Can Cross The Water

If you have been playing Minecraft for a while now then you must be aware that horses can swim with players on their backs. However, they can swim without anybody riding them too, but a new question arises, how does one get their horse to cross the water with them?
Well, it is pretty simple as all you need to do is equip a golden carrot or a golden apple in your hands and your horse should follow you across the water. It is as simple as that. This can be a relatively slow process, however, but hey, patience is a virtue, and it’s all worth it if you want your companion to cross the water with you.
6. You Can Have A Pet Trident!

Well, you sort of can have a Trident as a pet in Minecraft and all you need to do is just equip a Trident with a loyalty enchantment and throw it while you have a full inventory. Since you have a full inventory, your Trident will not be picked up by the character, instead it will just follow you around which looks pretty cool.
It makes you feel like Thor as you can throw your Trident and it will simply come back to you and follow you around. I advise every Minecraft player to try this neat little trick out as it is super fun and looks extremely cool when done right.
7. Invisible Potions Don’t Make You Invisible To Everyone

It sounds pretty weird but that is true and yeah, indeed, invisible potions do not make you invisible to everyone in the game and I’m not talking about the particle trails that your character will leave behind when traveling through the game’s world.
Cats, Bats, and Villagers can’t be fooled using the invisibility potions as these Minecraft mobs can easily spot you without breaking a sweat, so it isn’t as easy to fool them using the invisibility potion as you might’ve initially thought.
8. You Can Fly With Your Pig

Pigs in Minecraft are among some of the best and cutest creatures in the game, but did you know that they can fly while you can be the pilot? I know that sounds pretty weird but all you need is an elytra, and a lead attached to your pig and that’s it.
You can now fly across your Minecraft world with your companion and you can also make your friend ride the pig and then take them both for a bumpy ride in the air. However, you need to master the landing as your pig can die if you have a rough landing, so make sure to practice landing before testing this out.
9. You Can Use Dandelions To Breed Rabbits

Rabbits in Minecraft are not as picky as you think they might be when it comes to breeding, so if you’re a player who often plays Minecraft then you must already know that one does not require anything more than carrots for breeding rabbits in the game. What you may not know, however, is that if you run out of carrots, then don’t worry, as you can simply use dandelions instead.
Dandelions can easily be found in Minecraft’s world and one can comfortably stock up on quite a lot of them if one’s looking to breed Rabbits to brew some potions of leaping and whatnot.
10. Chicken Jockeys Can Breed With Each Other

Chicken Jockeys are one of the most annoying hostile mobs in Minecraft and these creatures can breed with each other and even raise young chicks.
However, they still don’t lay any eggs so don’t expect any from them. I would advise you to stay away from these hostile mobs as they’re quite annoying.
11. Soul Fire Burns 2x Hotter Than The Regular Fire

Normal Fire is nothing when compared to the Soul Fire in Minecraft as far as appearance and potency are concerned as not only is quite lethal but it does twice the amount of damage as compared to regular fire.
However, we at BenettonPlay still prefer the radiance of the regular fire in Minecraft but what are your thoughts regarding this secret? Do you think the developers should add more colors to the in-game fire? Do let us know in the comments section below.
12. You Can Get Free Defence For Your Base!

I love this Minecraft secret and it can be extremely handy for every single Minecraft player out there. You can leash both Iron Golems and Snow Golems to your base and they can protect you and your base from mobs while you sleep peacefully inside.
You can even take them with you while you explore your Minecraft world but be careful where and how you swing your sword as these mobs can become hostile in the blink of an eye once you accidentally hit them, so make sure not to get on their bad side.
13. You Can Create Coral & Coral Fans In Warm Oceans

The majority of players in Minecraft know that bone meal will create seagrass on the ocean floor, and while it is true, did you know that when you use bone meal in warm oceans, you can create Coral and Coran Fans?
This is a great way to make the Minecraft oceans feel much more alive and beautiful than before, so make sure to give this trick a try for yourself as we’re sure that you’re going to like it.
14. Hoglins Are Scared Of Mushrooms

Minecraft Hoglins aren’t really scared of anything in particular and you should stay away from them as they’ll charge up to you as soon as you’re in their sight. However, as with all things, they are scared of mushrooms and prefer to stay away from them.
So next time you’re stuck in a cozy place with a Hoglin make sure to use a mushroom and you’ll automatically have the upper hand in the following duel. Now let us move on to the final Minecraft secret on our list.
15. Minecraft Was Created In 6 Days!

Yeah! You read that right Minecraft was created in just 6 Days and it wasn’t even called Minecraft at the early stages. On 10th May the programmer Notch started developing this game with his intriguing thoughts and finished it on 16th of May.
Then the next day, the alpha version of the game was released, and yes, since then it has received tons of updates ever since to make it the game it is today. It is quite crazy to think that the best-selling game of all time was created in just 6 Days, and goes to prove that nothing is impossible to do and that one does not need years to develop a successful game from scratch.
Wrapping Up!
Well there you have it, these were the 15 secrets about Minecraft that only a few gamers know about and if you know any other intriguing secrets about Minecraft then please let us and everyone else know in the comments below.
If you guys have any doubts regarding the above information then do let us know in the comments down below and our team will surely get back to you as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is The Strongest Hostile Mob in Minecraft?
Without any doubt, Warden is the strongest mob in Minecraft and I would advise players of all ages to not cross paths with him in the game.
Is the Bedrock version better than the Java version?
Well, both Minecraft editions are great but if you want to create custom servers or add mods then the Java edition is a much better option.