Best Dragon Type Pokemon: Dragon Type Pokemon are extremely popular and one of the strongest Pokemon Types out there. Dragon Types makes some of the most strong & unique combinations with other Typing that stand out in the Pokemon realm. Dragon Types have a remarkably lower set of vulnerabilities than most Pokemon Types which makes them extremely dependable in Pokemon Battles, Gym Fights, and Raids.

In this article, we have ranked the 10 Best Dragon Type Pokemon that ever existed in the Pokemon Franchise. We have prepared this Ranking list by carefully comparing the base stats of the Best Dragon Type Pokemon on the Pokedex.
Best Dragon Type Pokemon
Dragon Type Pokemon are pretty versatile and persistent against a vast range of opponents. Except for the natural vulnerability against Fairy, Dragon & Ice Type Pokemon, Dragon types can withstand all other groups of Pokemon quite effectively. There are various Dragon Type Pokemon out there and in such a situation it becomes difficult to select the perfect one for your team. To save you from this hassle we have prepared this list of the Best Dragon Type Pokemon.
10. Flygon

Type | Dragon, Ground |
Vulnerabilities | Dragon, Fairy, Ice |
Ability | Levitate |
Evolution Chart | Trapinch-> Vibrava-> Flygon |
Flygon is a unique combination of Dragon and Ground Typing. This unusual combination helps Flygon to gain a stronger resistance from Ground Type moves. This Mystical Pokemon has a special ability called Levitate which is the reason behind immunity from Ground moves. Flygon doesn’t have very high base stats but the vitals are distributed in a very balanced manner which makes this Pokemon very reliable during matches.
The signature moves of this Pokemon include Earthquake & Dragon Claw and this Pokemon can learn moves like Fire Blast & Draco Meteor very easily.
9. Kingdra

Type | Dragon, Water |
Vulnerabilities | Fairy, Dragon |
Ability | Swift Swim, Sniper |
Evolution Chart | Horsea-> Seadra-> Kingdra |
Next on our list of Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon is the ultimate combo of Water & Dragon Typing! Kingdra is the most evolved version of Horsea and is found roaming in the depths of the ocean. The signature moves of this Pokemon include Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Draco Meteor. Kingdra possesses a special ability called Swift Swim which doubles the speed of this Pokemon during rain. The special attack of Kingdra stands out from all the other stats in general.
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8. Garchomp

Type | Dragon, Ground |
Vulnerabilities | Dragon, Fairy, Ice |
Ability | Sand Veil |
Evolution Chart | Gible-> Gabite-> Garchomp |
Mega Evolution | Mega Garchomp |
Next on our Ultimate List of Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon is yet another combo of Dragon & Ground Typing, Garchomp! This Mach Pokemon has a very impressive attack game that can easily make it invincible on the battlefield if instructed wisely. The speed of this Pokemon is another matter of discussion. The signature moves of Garchomp include Dragon Claw, Earthquake, and Stone Edge. Sand Veil is another unique ability that increases Garchomp’s performance during sandstorm weather.
7. Mega Latias & Mega Latios

Type | Dragon, Psychic |
Vulnerabilities | Ghost, Dragon, Fairy, Dark, Bug, Ice |
Ability | Levitate |
Alternative form | Latias & Latios |
Mega Latias & Mega Latios are the female & male genders of the species of the same Legendary Pokemon. These Pokemon are a unique combo of Psychic & Dragon Type abilities. These Pokemon possess a special ability called Levitate that grants them immunity against Ground Type moves. The attacking game of these Legendary Pokemon is impeccable and a boon on the battlefield. The signature moves of these Pokemon include Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, and Psychic.
6. Mega Salamence

Type | Dragon, Flying |
Vulnerabilities | Rock, Dragon, Fairy, Ice |
Ability | Aerilate |
Evolution Chart | Bagon-> Shelgon-> Salamence |
The next position on our list of Best Dragon Type Pokemon is grabbed by Mega Salamence who is the Mega evolution of Salamence. The most impressive traits of this extravagant Pokemon are its Speed & Attack. Mega Salamence possesses a special ability called Aerilate which enables the Normal Type moves to be transformed into Flying Type moves with a 30% boost. The signature moves of Mega Salamence include Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Return, and Double-Edge.
5. Dragonite

Type | Dragon, Flying |
Vulnerabilities | Rock, Dragon, Fairy, Ice |
Ability | Inner Focus |
Evolution Chart | Dratini-> Dragonair-> Dragonite |
Dragonite is one of the most popular Dragon Type Pokemon in the entire franchise. The base stats of this Dragon Pokemon may not be the highest but well rounded and the attack game is surely on point. Dragonite has a very diverse skill set with physical, healing, and other special attacks. Some of the signature moves of Dragonite are Dragon Dance, Roost, Dragon Tail & Thunder Wave. Overall, Dragonite is an excellent pick for battles and raids.
Also, Check: 10 Best Psychic Type Pokemon Ranked [Ultimate List 2023]
4. Giratina

Type | Dragon, Ghost |
Vulnerabilities | Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Ice |
Ability | Levitate |
Forms | Origin Forme, Altered Forme |
Giratina is an extremely powerful Legendary Pokemon that was introduced in the 4th generation of Pokemon Games. The base stats of this Renegade Pokemon are beyond impressive. The attack attributes of this unique blend of Dragon Ghost Typing particularly make it very strong. Despite many seeming vulnerabilities against the Dragon, Ice, Fairy, Ghost, and Dark Type Giratina is still able to withstand many ferocious opponents.
Giratina exhibits a signature move called Shadow Force which makes it disappear and avoid the opponent’s attack altogether. Other moves of Giratina include Dragon Pulse, Shadow Ball, and Earthquake.
Also, Check: 10 Best Rock Type Pokemon Ranked [Ultimate List 2023]
3. Palkia

Type | Dragon, Water |
Vulnerabilities | Fairy, Dragon |
Ability | Pressure |
Alternate Forms | Origin Forme |
Palkia is a magnificent Legendary Water Dragon that can control and manipulate space. One of Palkia’s greatest strengths is its signature move, Spacial Rend, which is a powerful Dragon-Type move that aids Palkia to create portals connecting any two points in space. Other moves of Palkia include Spikes, Thunder Wave, Dragon Tail & Aqual Tail. All in all, Palkia is undoubtedly one of the best Dragon Type Pokemon to ever exist.
2. Dialga

Type | Dragon, Steel |
Vulnerabilities | Ground, Fighting |
Ability | Pressure |
Alternate Forms | Origin Forme |
Dialga is a marvelous Legendary Type Pokemon that is a unique blend of Dragon & Steel Typing that has an outstanding ability to control time. The skill set of Dialga includes moves like Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Flash Cannon, and Iron Head. The Roar of Time is a special ability of Dialga that enables it to create a portal to the past. That’s right, we are talking about legitimate time travel! We don’t think we need to add more reasons to state why this Pokemon has earned such a high spot on our list.
1. Mega Rayquaza

Type | Dragon, Flying |
Vulnerabilities | Rock, Dragon, Fairy, Ice |
Ability | Delta Stream |
Alternative Form | Rayquaza |
Finally, the revelation of the Best Dragon Type Pokemon of all is here. And the No.1 Spot is rightfully stolen by Mega Rayquaza! This Legendary Pokemon has the highest base stats in the Pokedex as compared to any other Dragon-Type. The Mega evolution of Rayquaza basically makes this Pokemon invincible. Dragon Ascent is one of the strongest signature moves of Mega Rayquaza. And the most unique ability of Mega Rayquaza is Delta Stream. By enabling this capability, Rayquaza is able to generate strong winds and change the entire atmosphere of its surrounding.
The high base stats, strong attack as well as defense game coupled with the seamless versatility makes Mega Rayquaza the Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Which is Ash’s strongest Dragon Type Pokemon?
Well, Ash has had many Dragon Type Pokemon over the different seasons of Pokemon. However, if we had to pick the strongest Dragon Type Pokemon of Ash it has to be Dragonite!
Is Charizard a Fire Dragon Pokemon?
Well, No! Despite Charizard’s uncanny resemblance to a Dragon, it belongs to the Pokemon Typing Fire & Flying.
Which is the Best Dragon Pokemon?
There are a few extremely powerful Dragon Type Pokemon that deserve a special mention when discussing the Best Dragon Type Pokemon. However, if we only had to pick one then Rayquaza singlehandedly steals the title.
Is there a Dark Dragon Type Pokemon?
Absolutely, the Pokemon franchise never fails to amuse us with stunning combinations of the most unusual Typing. Hydreigon is a Dark Dragon Type Pokemon with three heads and black wings.